Review of Airush Razor 2013

I have been using the Airush Razor for two months now, so I thought it was the right time to write the review. After my first meeting with the Razor 2012 I wrote in my blog: Wow, what a feeling! I think Razor will be really great for freestyle tricks and especially handlepasses!

I have now ridden the Airush Razor 2013 for about one month. The new Airush Razor look took me by surprise. The new look is nicer than the 2012, and I love the colours of the 2013 kite.

Airush Razor 2013

Airush Razor 2013

Quick facts about Airush Razor:

  • Freestyle C-kite
  • 5 lines
  • Kite used by for example Bruna Kajiya & Alex Pastor
  • Amazing pop
  • Great unhooked feel
  • Stable in the air

My review of Airush Razor

I changed from a SLE-kite to Razor, and the difference between the kites is huge. The first difference I noticed was that I had to ride it in a different way. The kite usually gets the speed quickest when riding it up and down in the start, and then it quickly pulls really good. The second thing is that the kite is so stable in the air. You don’t need to worry about the kite, you know where you can find it. Stable as a truck on the highway and as no other kite I have ridden before.

Airush Razor is like a truck on the highway – it just stays there!

The five line system was also new to me, but now after I did get used to it – I love it. Thanks to the fifth line relaunching from the water has never been easier. I just pull the middleline, the kite turns on the back, and then I pull either left or right side of the bar – like any kite – and it goes up! I realised (after a lot of mistakes) that I relaunch it fastest by putting the donkeydick back in the chickenloop before relaunching, just to prevent loosing the bar again.

And then the pop. Wow. The feeling in the pop make me wanna recommend this kite to everybody. The bar pressure is normal when  loading up, but as you jump the bar pressure decreses to a minimum and you can feel the great slack in the lines while in the air. When you are starting to throw the trick, the lines slack and you are free to do anything. It feels like flying compared to a bow kite. You can really get the unhooked stuff and the handlepasses done with this kite!

Great pop with Airush Razor

And how about loops? When looping you have to pull the bar aggressively. But even if the kite is stable in the air, it responds quickly when pulling the bar. The kite loops quickly and gets good power, but not too much. Just perfect I would say! If you like loops and want the kite to move faster in the air, you can change the attachment points for the lines. The closer to the trailing edge – the faster kite. The closer to the leading edge – the slower kite.

One other good thing with the Airush Razor is that it pulls quite good for being a C-kite. I thought that I had to use a much bigger kite than before, but actually I did not notice any difference from the old SLE-kite.

So there’s no negative things with this kite at all?

Razor is still a C-kite after all, and you notice that in the depower, which does not work in the same way as a bow kite. With a C-kite like this it’s better to have a few sizes to choose between, beacause the windrange is smaller. You also feel the difference between a C-kite and bow kite in the hangtime. You can jump high with the Razor, actually really high, but it’s main area is wakestyle. If you mostly like freeride and do not want to unhook at all – then the Razor is not for you. But if you like freestyle like me, and like to practice most of the tricks unhooked, then the Razor probably is what you are looking for!

Facts about Airush Razor from

Facts about Airush Razor from

Conclusion: Airush Razor is the best kite in the world! I would never change.

Airush Razor kite

Happy with my awesome Airush Razor!


In Finland you find the Airush kites in Kalajoki from Rautio Sports.


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2 responses to “Review of Airush Razor 2013”

  1. Maria Kleimola says:

    Bra review! Skulle vilja prova en c kite också. Hur e de med brädan o trapetsen? :)

  2. Tack Maria! Jo de e så annorlunda med en c-kite! Jag kanske borde göra nya inlägg för brädan och trapetsen.. Så det kommer säkert upp så småningom.. :)