F16 & switch raley

I am happy that I learned two new tricks in one day; F16 och switch raley, yeey! I have done F16 before too, but today it felt like I know it for real. It feels so good to loop the kite and feel the power in the jump! Too strange I had never tested to do a switch raley before, but even if it first felt so weird, I pulled it off after a few crashes. It is not so difficult to learn a trick switch if you already have tried it the other way, and it is always good to do tricks switch in competitions.

On the list of the day you can also add a little scratch on the leg (by the board), a sore shoulder and some regular bruises. Kitesurfing is surely not a glamorous sport, but even if you have to put up with bruises and scratches now and then is it absolutely worth it!

Jonathan shot some pictures today:

raley to blind


pranburi kitesurfing krasch

pranburi snäckletande


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2 responses to “F16 & switch raley”

  1. Kenji Claesson says:

    Herregud vad bredaxlad och deffad du verkar vara numera. Ät mer medan det är billigt! :P

    • Haha! Nämen det är nog sant, tror aldrig jag varit i så här bra form förr! Men det är nog mera kitesurfing än den asiatiska maten som gör det.. ;) Det bästa och roligaste sättet att komma i form på :)