Mental training new tricks

Last winter in Asia I improved my kitesurfing skills a lot. I started to train unhooked tricks more, and learned to do raleys, s-bends, frontrolls and backrolls safely. In the end of the trip I have also learned raley to blind and F16 and a variety of kiteloops. I really liked the big kiteloops in a high jump! After competing in KTA the motivation was high as never and the last days in Thailand I tried of all the blind and wrapped tricks like raley to wrapped and s-bends and backrolls to blind and to wrapped. Sadly we had to go back to Finland before I learned any of them.

Now back in Finland all the unhooked tricks are a little bit safer, and especially the F16 is now better. The last weeks I have been practising a lot on s-bend to blind and back to blind, but not landed any of them yet which makes me frustrated. I can’t go on the water as often as in Asia, and I find it really hard to improve here in Finland due to the conditions. I always land the s-bend to blind, but then I drop the bar. I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. Everybody says that the back to blind is easier, but to me it feels the other way. I rather spin the blind to the same diretion than change in the middle of the jump.

Anyhow, I will keep practising! I am not giving up and want to have landed both of the tricks before the season is over. I just need some wind. The forecast looks really crappy and the abstinence is higher than ever before. But I have been doing some mental training instead, watching these videoclips to learn the tricks:

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